Friday, August 26, 2005

WOD 082605 - Day 2 outdoors

Today was CrossFit Boston's second day outdoors at Downes Field in Brookline, MA.

Our WOD seemed daunting at first glance, but everyone was proud of themselves for finishing. It was:

4 rounds for time of:

800 meter run
50 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
15 Burpees

Average time was 33 minutes to completion. Afterwards everyone did pull-ups off of the tree branches before calling it a day. There was 14 people with us this morning as the sun was just rising on the horizon. This is always a beautiful site especially when accompanied by the sounds of dry heaving!

Until the official CrossFit Boston site is open we will be conducting 6:15 am classes outdoors at the Downes Field, at least on a MWF schedule. The cost is free. Contact me for additional information or directions to the field.


Anonymous said...

Neal, hats off to you for the free classes. Today's was one of the hardest in a while, but as you said it seemed that everyone was proud of themselves for finishing. I'm looking forward to Monday...but how about something completely diffent like outdoor freeze tag, kick the can or hide and go seek? Bet you could get a good workout with someone like Nigel chasing you....? No?


Anonymous said...

Concerning the last comment, back when I was in ROTC, once in a while, we would play a game of soccer with multiple balls, so that everyone was running around the field for the entire length of the game.