Friday, August 05, 2005

Brookline WOD 080505

Today's workout is a twist on a CrossFit classic.

For time:
Run 800 meters
Dumbbell Squat Clean 75 reps
Run 800 meters

Post load and time to completion to comments. Divide load in pounds by time in seconds for score, e.g., 50 pounds in 12:15 gives 50÷735=.068 pounds per second.

1 comment:

"Fat Boy" said...

Great work by everyone today. I was happy to see some people really push their comfort zones today and increase the loads used.

All posted results are load weight/divided by time in seconds. POWER.

Nigel - 60/470=.128
George - 70/600=.117
Scott - 50/476=.105
Thor - 50/515=.097
Gordon - 40/476=.084
Karen - 30/440=.068
Laura - 20/309=.065
Eileen - 25/429=.058
Stevie - 20/439=.045
Amy - 30/686=.045