Monday, June 05, 2006


For Time:

Dumbbell Squat Cleans 10/20/30/40
Handstand Push-ups 5/10/15/20
Burpees 5/10/15/20

For the cleans use 40 pound, 30 pound or 20 pound dumbbells. If you cannot touch your head to the floor on the handstand push-ups, complete negative reps through the entire range of motion or substitute overhead presses with dumbbells. Post time to comments.


ec said...

a bit sluggish this am. 25:08 with 20# db for sq cleans and ohp.

sam and jo (of course) rocked the 30# dbs - totally awesome!

and for those with the 40s, well, thats just ridiculous.

Jonathan Gilson said...

You know what's ridiculous--34:14 is ridiculous.

"The Sound of One Head Clapping"

40# cleans

5 HSPUs and 45 puddle drops

Yea, burpees!

Man, that's some nasty stuff.

Anonymous said...

I love reading these posts!

40# cleans
HSPU's of varying quality
Burpees were a piece of cake(who knew?)!

Time was so high as to be irrelevant but fun was had by all. Neal, you are an evil genius.

See you Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

I chickened out with 20# for the squat cleans and did push presses for modified HSPUs. 100 total squat cleans just seemed too daunting. Hail to Sam and Jo for their stamina. It's 'cuz your both so young, right?

Don't recall the time but it was fun. It was also fun hearing Jon.

Anonymous said...

30:50 using 30# DBs for the cleans and did some more head plops instead of full HSPUs

Anonymous said...


30# Dbs for the cleans and attempted the head plops, but decided if I was going to get a concussion I needed a much better story, so switched to ohps (15 and 20# Dbs).
