Back squattage (w/me it's more of a squattage than a squat): 125#, I think. WOD: 18 or 15 minutes, but however long it was I was really pleased that my double unders have improved considerably (without really practicing).
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Up to 325 for Back Squats.
7:36 for WOD
Up to 185 for sets of 10 on Squats.
9:20 I believe on the WOD
Then tried to beat my max consecutive double unders and fell 1 shy with 39.
Time to work on those skills folks. If you don't use them you loose them.
is that the most flattering picture you have of me thank you Jon
Back squattage (w/me it's more of a squattage than a squat): 125#, I think.
WOD: 18 or 15 minutes, but however long it was I was really pleased that my double unders have improved considerably (without really practicing).
Have a good one!
You're welcome, Mikey.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Perry, prone on the floor.
Yay Crossfit!!!
whoa, whoa, whoa.
so let me get this straight. you decide to have a wod that consists of WALKING LUNGES and DOUBLE UNDERS when im out 'cuz of a pulled hamstring?
really, thats just kicking me when im down.
Suck it up EC, you would have wrecked the curve! You, you curve wrecker! One day fastest Annie will be mine.
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