The ring work was a blast. I need to get the hang (pun intended) of inverting. Will told us that in general, it takes 16 min to get comfortable with ring work. I thought he meant 16 minutes of continually hanging upside down - yikes! Great job 6am class! I did 3.65 rounds, all modified.
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3 rds, 20#db tgus (1st rd did 15 reps, then wod changed)
band assisted dips and 27 in box.
tgus rock.
The ring work was a blast. I need to get the hang (pun intended) of inverting. Will told us that in general, it takes 16 min to get comfortable with ring work. I thought he meant 16 minutes of continually hanging upside down - yikes! Great job 6am class! I did 3.65 rounds, all modified.
Sorry - the above comment is from Linda
3.75 rounds (35# db's, band assisted dips, 20 inch box). Shoulders fried.
I have a cold so I am hard to understand. It takes 60 mins of inversion.
3.3 rds, assisted/jumping dips, 25# and then 15# barbell for the tgus and mostly the 20in box.
TGUs are so my favorite.
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