5 x 200 meter run repeats (30 seconds rest between efforts)
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mike perry
You were up early today, Neal!
Thanks for J.T.; the great thing about Crossfit is finding a WOD that strikes you as 'Impossible!' when the first few reps are done, but then discovering that, actually, it is possible and ultimately rewarding.
There's also the masochistic humor of the very first push-up in J.T.!
Modified to do DB OHPs w/ 25s then 30s, and jumping ring dips. Kudos to Nigel, Steve and Jon for chugging through as rq'd.
I suppose it's fairly well known in CrossFit Boston that I occasionally grunt during bursts of exuberance. Heck, we all grunt to a certain degree. Check out the following clip on "grunting" in the gym:
Good to be back...needless to say J.T. kicked my ass today. Did it in 16:54, had to sub a few pike pushup for HSPU in the end. Hope you had a good laugh at a few of those HSPU Jon. Looking forward to tomorrow.
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You were up early today, Neal!
Thanks for J.T.; the great thing about Crossfit is finding a WOD that strikes you as 'Impossible!' when the first few reps are done, but then discovering that, actually, it is possible and ultimately rewarding.
There's also the masochistic humor of the very first push-up in J.T.!
26 minutes, as Rx'ed.
DFL, but who cares?
I'm left with one question after doing J.T.: Where are my handstand push-ups? I think it's time to start "greasing the groove" on those.
Nigel's right about that first push-up after the dips. I didn't expect it to be that hard.
The sprints were fun. Thanks for a great workout today!
Who's idea was that? Seriously.
Let's do some pushing, followed by some pushing, and then some...uhhh...pushing.
I'm probably just bitter after being turned into a big pile of useless.
you guys are killing me with these pictures
Great row, Col. Good job today.
17 minutes: first 11 HSPUs to the abmat then switched to piked push-ups, dips weren't jumping but probably looked like crap and got increasingy worse
and my arms are already sore...
Modified to do DB OHPs w/ 25s then 30s, and jumping ring dips. Kudos to Nigel, Steve and Jon for chugging through as rq'd.
I suppose it's fairly well known in CrossFit Boston that I occasionally grunt during bursts of exuberance. Heck, we all grunt to a certain degree. Check out the following clip on "grunting" in the gym:
If this doesn't underscore the points noted in Jon's great AgainFaster.com posting from July 12, 2006 entitled "Quit Now", I don't know what does.
16 flat, usual modifications on the dips and the hspus.
Serious props to those who did it unmodified or close to....as always, I was wildly impressed.
Good to be back...needless to say J.T. kicked my ass today. Did it in 16:54, had to sub a few pike pushup for HSPU in the end. Hope you had a good laugh at a few of those HSPU Jon. Looking forward to tomorrow.
18:14 using jumping ring dips and 30# db presses. Also did 5 X 200 meter rows: 36.3, 38.2, 39, 40.5, 41.8.
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