Box jump, 20 inch box 8 intervals; 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off score lowest number of repetitions to comments
WOD: 30-20-10
Deadlifts (185/135) Pull-ups Glute-ham Sit-ups
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Ben likes Crossfit.
WOD: 17:07 all modified
We also did 30 sec on/30 sec off box jumps x 8 minutes to get us going this morning. I think there was a conspiracy here since it seemed as if I was jumping for 45 seconds and resting for 15. Jo, would you agree? :-) Hmmph.
I heard a rumor that we are doing Fight Gone Bad on Wed? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
WOD 19:14 185# DL; subbed body rows rnd #2 after I opened up my hand.
Mike, Colin, and Leo, you guys did awesome this morning. It's really fun watching you guys get stronger. I think the 7am class may soon be the class to beat!
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WOD: 17:07 all modified
We also did 30 sec on/30 sec off box jumps x 8 minutes to get us going this morning. I think there was a conspiracy here since it seemed as if I was jumping for 45 seconds and resting for 15. Jo, would you agree? :-) Hmmph.
I heard a rumor that we are doing Fight Gone Bad on Wed? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
Have a nice holiday everyone!
WOD 19:14 185# DL; subbed body rows rnd #2 after I opened up my hand.
Mike, Colin, and Leo, you guys did awesome this morning. It's really fun watching you guys get stronger. I think the 7am class may soon be the class to beat!
And yes, the rumor about FGB is true.
See you tomorrow.
Minimum score for the Box jumps: 18
17:54 WOD with 135# DL's. The rest as Rx'd.
Least amount of reps on the box jumps was 19 and 11:38 for WOD using 185# DL. And yes...Ben does like crossfit.
9 box jumps...and don't let Linda fool you, she rocked out the box jumps this morning.
15:30ish on the workout, 135# dls, pullups mostly modified and I subbed in regular situps b/c apparently my back doesn't like the other kind.
27 in box, 9 was the lowest.
time on the wod: ?. 2 pd kbs for dls, and switched to 30# dbs push press once the hand started bleeding from pu's.
yall best be ready for fgb in the am - ive heard a rumor it will be a bit longer than usual!!! hmmm.....
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