21 Barbell Thrusters
21 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
40 Lateral Hops over parallette
15 Barbell Thrusters
15 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
40 Lateral Hops over parallette
9 Barbell Thrusters
9 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
40 Lateral Hops over parallette
Choose either 75 pounds, 65 pounds, or 45 pounds for the thrusters and sumo deadlift highpulls. Post time and load used to comments.

14:14, with 65# thrusters and SDHPs. The lateral hops proved to far more challenging than I thought they'd be. Thanks to Gramps, Jo, and Jessica for sharing the pain.
18:48 with 65# and bench hops, as opposed to parallette hops (although I did a few of those, they were nice).
Good times, as always, the motley Tuesday crew rocked.
I did this one in 5:40 at the park down the street using a 65# barbell. Based on the times posted I'm thinking I might have done something wrong...or maybe not.
From Boulder - Max
Did Grace today.
135 Clean and Jerk for 30 reps
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