Managed to get through this WOD in 35+, using 65# bar, and 30# DBs.
As Will said the other day , the secret of doing the double-unders is "listening to the jumprope". Extrapolating from this , I "listened" to the DB as it "whizzed" past my ear on those one-arm OH squats. What I consistently heard was, "Helgason, quit checking yourself out in the mirror..look at Will to see how a proper one-arm squat is done"
Thank you for the props Thor but my form leaves much to be desired. My time was horrible, around 48:somthing. That is what CrossFit is all about though. Dominate one day and be beaten down the next. Gotta love it. -Will
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Managed to get through this WOD in 35+, using 65# bar, and 30# DBs.
As Will said the other day , the secret of doing the double-unders is "listening to the jumprope". Extrapolating from this , I "listened" to the DB as it "whizzed" past my ear on those one-arm OH squats. What I consistently heard was, "Helgason, quit checking yourself out in the mirror..look at Will to see how a proper one-arm squat is done"
Have a great weekend!
(nice form in the photo, Neal!)
I always knew you were strong, Neal. Nice to see you on the website!
Today's WOD was in 35:35 w/crazy modified KTEs (more like KTwaists) and jumping pull-ups and 45# bar and 20#DBs.
I think everyone deserves a huge high-five today. Quite a work out at the end of the week aaaand, I think we over 40 yr.olds dominated the class.
(but there's no competition)
Thank you for the props Thor but my form leaves much to be desired. My time was horrible, around 48:somthing. That is what CrossFit is all about though. Dominate one day and be beaten down the next. Gotta love it.
hats off to the 6am class for all around excellent hard work. Good work Neal and Jon for making us dig deep on this one
who knew KTEs and pull-ups would be the 'relaxed' component of a WOD?
95# Bear complex, 30# elsewhere, pull-ups unbroken. Somewhere north of 35 minutes, maybe even 40 but who's counting?
Will miss you all tomorrow as Catchlight is painting Rosie's Place in Boston - our charity project for the fall -
have a great weekend all.
Hats off to everyone who completed this WOD. I was very impressed with the times on the board this morning!
lots of fun :)
27 something with 45# bar and 20# DBs and body rows instead of pull-ups
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