Skills: L-sit, hollow rock
WOD: Pull-up Madness
Do 1 pull-up in the first minute, 2 pull-ups in the second minute, 3 pull-ups in the third minute...
Continue until you are unable to complete the prescribed number of pull-ups in any given minute.
Post completed rounds to comments.

Kim Kaltreider.
I'm getting t-shirts made that announce....
Sam Rocks!
Good work Sam; 14 rounds make the rest of us testosterone fuelled Crossfitters look like a bunch of lightweights!
My PR of 15 was quickly followed by another round of 15, all for naught.
haha thanks Nigel, nice job on the PR!
that was madness
14 rounds: 2 short of 15
10 rounds, 3 shy of 11
14 rounds as well and big props to Sam!!!!
16 rounds. Yes Will, there were people there to document it. Two off my previous best.
14 dammit.
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