Friday, September 01, 2006



400m Sprint
21 KB Swings (1.5 pd)
12 pullups

1 pood KB
.75 pood KB

Post time and modifications to comments.

Sam and Mandla


ec said...

thats a fun picture!

props to nigel - on the board (again) with his sub 10 rx'd helen. best part of the morning, though, was during plank holds after helen, nigel found out it wasn't on the board - he immediately quit. so blatantly motivated by ego - its great!

0700 crew was impressive as well!

i finished in 12:45. got the pullups, so ill take it - but wasnt going hard on the runs. gotta try helen again in another couple weeks. oh, and 1 pd.

ok, this is the longest post ever.

Will T said...

Here is the recipe: take three weeks off from CrossFit Workouts and then add Helen Rx'd. What do you get, besides a 12:40-something time? A big kick in the butt, that's what!!

And to cap it off, was the smack on the ass as Erin passed me.

I really gotta step it up!
Good job everyone.