Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Team Torture

Two teams, 8 rounds, relay-style, head-to-head:

8 dumbbell deadlifts (40#)
100m Sprint
8 dumbbell swings (35#)
100m Sprint

Team members go one at a time. First team to finish wins.

Post gloating and needless taunting to comments.


Anonymous said...

This WOD is far more intense than it appears, particularly with two-person teams and 55# DBs for the deadlifts.

Thanks for keeping it real, Josh.


Anonymous said...

Kara (sp?) and I were 10 seconds behind Josh and Thor with 40# deads and 25# swings...much harder than it looks, but a fabulous time.

As for gloating and needless taunting, considering the opposing team is both faster and stronger than me (and they won), I'll refrain for now. Self preservation.
