Friday, January 12, 2007



WOD: 10 Rounds
30 Seconds of Squats
30 Seconds of Push-ups
30 Seconds of Jumping Pull-ups
30 Seconds of REST

Skills: Team Relays

Post experience to comments.


Anonymous said...

Ever rip the wing off a roasted chicken, and it sort of twists and tears then finally pops free? That's how my lats feel today after this morning's nonsense.

As my 6 year old would say, "Thanks a lot, Neal!"

Have a great weekend all.

Jon, Karen, Rena, Thor, work on your sprint bear crawls...

ec said...

maaan... wish that pic was from the side to check how terrible the arch is.

thanks for the socks neal - it was like i was back at field hockey practice. well, minus the rubber mats and no sticks.

that wod looks just obnoxious....

Anonymous said...

That sucked. I mean...was awesome! Twenty minutes of all-out work will wake you up, every time.

My sprinting bear crawls left something to be desired, as I was overtaken by a Marcia-esque inability to figure out which hand went with which foot.

For those who are interested, Again Faster will be at the Facility this Sunday, 8:00 a.m.

