Wednesday, January 03, 2007



Skill: 3 rounds of 50 overhead squats, rest 3 minutes between rounds.

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time
10 Overhead Squats (95/65/45)
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press (95/65/45)

Post times to comments.

Sam and Dawn at Again Faster.


Anonymous said...

1 minute each for the squats

6.47 for the WOD; speed was due to atrocious form on the overhead squats...


Anonymous said...

5:30 class did this yesterday. Roughly 1:09, 0:59, 0:48 for the squats.

11:19 for the WOD, 45# bar, jumping pullups.


Anonymous said...

:58, :55, :59 for the overhead squattage tried to keep up with Erik but he quickly became a blur. 9:37 w/45# and jumping pullups for the wad. And the planks...anyone? the planks? that was certainly a very generous new year's gift, Neal.

hugs and kisses,

Anonymous said...

squats :56,:47,:48

WOD 13:12 (95# bar)

It's great to be back and to see everyone hitting it hard. We're gonna get strong in 2007!

ec said...

a little different at 0630
50 wallball, rest 2 min, 50 wallball, rest 2 min, 50 wallball

20# ball, 1:50, 2:30, 2:31

then 2 rounds:
200 m
15 db cleans
10 sq jumps
5 tgu (each side)

20#db - took 17:40?. dfl, but somewhat due to some paralyzing cramping in the calves for a good few minutes.

Anonymous said...

forget the times for the squats, they were around 1:10

8:17 for the WOD with a 65# bar

Anonymous said...

Calf cramps are cool!

Worked out w/ EC and the 1830 crew. Three rounds of wall ball w/ 3-4 minute rest between rounds:


If I could string that together, I'd have a hell of a Karen.

The workout afterward was ridiculous. I'm not sure when I finished, or if I finished, or why turkish getups are so hard.

Feeling it today.

