Saturday, February 18, 2006

"Noreaster V" 021806

"Noreaster V"

Pair up into groups of three.

First person must:

Bear crawl 50 feet
10 burpees
Lunge 50 feet
10 plate cleans, 45 pound plate
Broad Jump 50 feet
10 Pull-ups
Bear Crawl 50 feet

As first athlete executes above sequence athletes 2 and 3 hold the push-up position. When the first athlete finishes, athlete 2 begins the sequence as athletes 1 and 3 hold the push-up position, etc. Once all athletes have finished the first sequence move on to sequence 2.

Fireman relays

Athlete 1 must fireman carry, across back and shoulders as one would the bar on a back squat, Athlete 2 to 50 feet. Sprint back 50 feet to Athlete 3 and fireman carry athlete 3 to position of Athlete 2. Athlete 2 then must fireman carry Athlete 3 50 feet, then sprint back to Athlete 1 and fireman carry Athlete 1 to the position of Athlete 3. Repeat sequence with Athlete 3. If any athlete is unable to perform a fireman's carry then he or she is permitted to perform a buddy carry, ie piggy back.

Losing team of all the relays must perform bottom to bottom Tabata squats.

The Fireman's carry - photo courtesy of


Anonymous said...

I was debating whether or not to show up tomorrow....

Now I'm definitely coming!

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, Gordon and I did it in 5 something, but then had 7 minutes added on b/c we only had 2 people instead of 3. Then we each did the whole thing again, just for "fun". My pullups were modified and I subbed a bear crawl for the lunges.

The squats were like the fudge sauce on top of a sundae. Well, sort of.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last one was from Jo.

Anonymous said...

Feel like an a-hole for promising to come and not showing up. See you guys soon,

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed this one!