Tuesday, January 03, 2006


For time complete 30, 22, 16, and 12 reps of:

Ring pull-ups
Dumbbell Deadlifts

Deadlifts all the way down to the floor and keep good form. Post time to comments.


Anonymous said...

The New York Times told me Crossfit is evil and can kill you. Is that true? Can it give me a disease? If so, then you are horrible, horrible people!?! I'm afraid it might be true because the NYT is so trustworthy. They never get anything wrong. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Are you joking? A disease? If you think thess workouts can give you a disease then you have major issues.

These workouts are great and can be set at your own level. Maybe you should try a class and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Actually Crossfit is like a disease. It's like the Clap, you can't get rid of it. Except you have a lot less fun catching it and I lot more fun treating it.