Saturday, January 14, 2006

011406 "Painstorm 1"

Today's workout is inspired by Jeff Martin and CrossFit Brand X. Some modifications have been made while I hope still maintaining its original integrity.

For time:

600 M
Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean, Lunge, Lunge, Jerk 20 X 40#
30 Pull ups
600 M
Box Jumps X 30
Wall Ball 30 X 20#
600 M
Burpee, Single leg squat, single leg squat X 20
Knee to elbows X 20
600 M
30 Kettlebell Swings X 50#
50 Push ups

Post time to comments.

Fight Gone Bad - Go Get Some!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Neal for introducing a whole new level of pain and suffering today. I am reminded of my first attempt at FGB; the wobbly legs, the reduced mental capacity(go ahead Karen, take yours shots at that one...)the sense of something great accomplished.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

As I write this, I'm pondering which is worse, the DB squats/push-press (with the jump and the full squat on the catch) or the 2000 rope jumps(hats off to those who managed to do four rounds of 50 double-unders). Thanks, Neal, for broadening our horizons and thanks to everyone for the motivation to push through (of course I'd be doing this stuff by myself early on a Saturday morning!)And, yes, the grunts symbolize bursts of exuberance, and they really do help!

Go Pats!


Anonymous said...

Ditto to both. I'm all for verbal exuberance. And I think we all gained quite a bit after today and after this week. Through all of this training, sweating, hefting, pulling, etc. it's still a helluva lot of fun.

Now I'm going to lay down and rest a bit and then later, teach my children how to massage my loins.

(do women have loins?)


Anonymous said...

Karen- I think that may be illegal in Massachusetts.